There are up to 330 million Hindu gods. Some Hindus view the various gods as different aspects of the
main god, Brahaman, but others view each god as a totally different and independent god. The goal of
Hinduism is to live a life good enough that you are released from samsara (reincarnation) and reach
moksha, becoming one with Brahman. Hindu gods are often shown with many arms showing their
incredible power.

Brahman is viewed as the #1 god in Hinduism who keeps the
universe together. Hindus believe that when they have lived a pure
life they will become one with Brahaman. Brahman is often shown
as a drop falling into a larger pool of water.

Hindu Trinity

god Brahma image

Brahma (creator)
Brahma is viewed as the god of creation in Hinduism. He is often shown with
four heads and four arms. His four heads represent the four holy books called
Vedas. Brahma’s four arms represent the four cardinal directions (north, south,
east, and west). His wife is Saraswati, the goddess of art and knowledge.

god shiva image

Shiva (destroyer)

Shiva is the god of destruction. In the cycle of life, Shiva is in charge of death,
decomposition, etc, which allow for a new life to begin. His wife is Parvati, the
mother goddess, and their son is Ganesh.


Vishnu (preserver)
Vishnu is seen as the preserver of life. Whenever evil has gained too much power
in the world, Vishnu has come to earth in animal or human form. Hindus believe
that Vishnu has come to earth nine times in different forms in order to preserve
creation by punishing evil and protecting the weak and the righteous. Vishnu is
married to the goddess Lakshmi, goddess of wealth.


Ganesh (wisdom)
Ganesh has an elephant’s head and a man’s body. He is the god most widely
worshipped by Hindus. His main role is to remove the problems or obstacles for
the people who worship him. Ganesh is the son of Shiva and Parv.


Kali (force of time)
Kali is the goddess of time and destruction. She is often portrayed dark, violent,
and standing or dancing on her companion, Shiva, who lies calm beneath her.
Even though she is associated with violence and destruction, she is also
considered a strong mother-figure and symbolic of motherly love.


Lakshmi (prosperity)
Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. She is usually shown bestowing
coins and flanked by elephants. She is the wife of Vishnu. Her four hands
represent the four goals of life considered to be important to the Hindi way.


Hanuman (devotion)
An ape like god known for assisting Rama and the central character in the Hindu
epic Ramayana. He is one of the most celebrated and worshipped figures in
Hinduism. Hanuman is often described as spirited, restless, energetic, and


Sarasvati (art, music & knowledge)
She is the wife of Brahma and sits on a white lotus flower playing a veena. She is
called the mother of the Vedas and considered to be the muse of every Hindu


Durga (victory of good over evil)
Durga, the goddess of power and strength, is perhaps the most important
goddess of the Hindus. She has 10 arms in which she holds many weapons.
Durga manifests when evil forces threaten the very existence of the gods.


  1. My prayers from Bible included in preface of Upanishad volumes 
  2. Mantras pertaining to Shiva
  3. Symbols associated with Lord Shiva
  4.  Names of Lord Shiva and their significance

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