shat chakra nirupanam

Shlokas 4 to 13, of Shat Chakra Nirupanam, describe in exquisite detail the physical attributes of mulAdhAra chakra, the gods and
goddesses corresponding to this energy junction, how to activate it, and the benefits of activating it.
In this article let's explore all this knowledge,
with references to actual Sanskrit Sources.
mUlAdhara, is the root chakra, which is the most basic of the 7 major chakras. This is the entry point for a spiritual seeker, who wishes to awaken the dormant kundalini energy, which has been allocated by nature,
for reproduction. Working on mUlAdhAra, is key to exploring human potential beyond the normal survival process. It is like gaining super user access, to the human system.

Firstly, let us look at the benefits of working
on Muladhara Chakra.
Shloka 13 of Shat Chakra NirUpanam says:

ध्यात्वैतन्मूलचक्रान्त रवि वर लसत्कोटिसूर्यप्रकाशां
वाचामीशो नरेन्द्रः स भवति सहसा सर्वविद्याविनोदी।
आरोग्यं तस्य नित्यं निरवधि च महानन्दचित्तान्तरात्मा
वाक्यैः काव्यप्रबन्धैः सकलसुरगुरून् सेवते शुद्धशीलः||१३||

This shloka says, one who meditates on MulAdhAra, which shines with the brightness of ten million Suns,kOti sUrya prakAshah, gets absolute control over Speech, or vAk. One enjoys the fuits of all Knowledge, sarva
vidyA vinOdI, and is forever full of health, ArOgyam. one experiences extreme pleasantness, mahAnanda, and becomes pure within, shuddhaShIlah. one also gains the capability of worshipping all the Gods and Gurus, with beautiful words of poetry, thereby attaining the fruits of that sAdhana.
Now that we know the effects of working on the mUlAdhAra chakra, and hopefully are motivated to learn more about it, let's look at the
shlokas which describe this chakra.
muladhara chakra

Shloka 4 says :

अथाधारपद्मं सुषुम्नाख्यलग्नं
ध्वजाधो गुदोर्ध्वं चतुःशोणपत्रं।
वकरादिसान्तैर् युतं वेदवर्णैः॥४॥

This shloka says, let's now look at the Adharapadma, or the supporting Lotus, which is at the base of suShumna. It describes the Muladhara Chakra to be located below the genital organ, dhwaja adhah, and above the anal outlet, gudordhvam. It is described as having four petals- chatuh
shona patram, which are associated with four sounds, or varNas. These are vam, zam, Sham, sam These four sounds are said to be shining with a golden light, or suvarnAbha, and are key to activating this chakra.
muladhara chakra located
Muladhara Chakra Located

The shloka 5, says:

अमुष्मिन् धरायाश्चतुष्कोणचक्रं
समुद्भासि शूलाष्टकैरावृतं तत् ।
लसत् पीतावर्णं तडित्कोमलाङ्गं
तदन्ते समास्ते धरायाः स्वबीजं||५||

This shloka describes that this chakra, is associated with the bIja mantra, or the seed sound, of Earth. This is the sound, lam. This sound is said to be shining in yellow colour, or pIta varnam, with the brilliance of a lightning, tadit. This chakra is also surrounded by eight tridents, or shUlas, which depict the eight directions. The energy at each chakra, has a governing God, and a Goddess.
The next two shlokas describe their forms. These forms are extremely symbolic,and are representative of the type of energy, and the benefits associated with it. But at the same time, these forms, are not just limited at the level of mere symbolism. Imagining these forms in the mind, and meditating upon them, work at a physiological level too, to activate the corresponding energies at this energy junction. I'll make a different video elaborating upon the symbolism and the significance of personifying human, and cosmic energies, in the form of dieties.

muladhara chakra food examples
muladhara chakra food examples

For now, let's look at the sixth shlOka:

चतुर्बाहुभूषं गजेन्द्राधिरूढं
तदङ्के नवीनार्कतुल्यप्रकाशः।
शिशुः सृष्टिकारी लसद्वेदबाहुः

This Chakra, which has four petals, and is associated with the bIja mantra, lam. This, in turn is riding upon the king of elephants,
airavata. This creature is said to be the vehicle of Indra, lord of the senses, indriyas. Interestingly, the bIja mantra, associated with Lord Indra, is also Lam. In the lap of this lotus, lies a new born
creator, shishuh sritsthi kArI. This is seen as, a child form of lord brahma, with four shining arms, and with the wealth of all the four vedas at the tip of his tongue.
The 7th shloka describes the feminine aspect of the energy at mUlAdhAra, as follows :

वसेदत्र देवी च डाकिन्यभिख्या
लसद्वेद बाहूज्ज्वला रक्तनेत्रा ।
प्रकाशं वहन्ती सदाशुद्धबुद्धेः||७||

Here dwells the Feminine Energy who is represented by the name Dakini. Her four arms shine with beauty, and her eyes are a brilliant red. She shines with the brightness of many Suns rising at once. She is the carrier of the revelation of the ever-pure Intelligence, shuddha buddhih.
The 8th Shloka describes the various other components inside Muladhara chakra

वज्राख्या वक्त्रदेशे विलसति सततं कर्णिकामध्यसंस्ठं
कोणं तत् त्रैपुराख्यं तडिदिव विलसत्कोमलं कामरूपम् ।
कन्दर्पो नाम वयुर् निवसति सततं तस्य मध्ये समन्तात्
जीवेशो बन्धुजीवप्रकरमभिहसन् कोटिसूर्यप्रकाशः||८||

Near the mouth of the Nadi called Vajra, shines the beautifully luminous and soft, lightening-like triangle which is known by words like kAmarUpa,
or traipura. Within this moves the aspect of vAyu, or wind, called Kandarpa, who is of a deeper red than the Bandhujiva flower. This aspect of wind, is extremely bright, and is a supporter of life in the body.
Shloka 9 Says:

तन्मध्ये लिङ्गरूपी द्रुतकनककलाकोमलः पश्चिमास्यः
ज्ञान ध्यानप्रकाशः प्रथमकिसलयाकाररूपः स्वयम्भुः ।
विद्युत् पू्र्णेन्दुबिम्बप्रकरकरचयस्निग्धसंतानहासी
काशीवासी विलासी विलसति सरिदावर्तरूपप्रकारः||९||

Inside the triangle mentioned in the above shloka, is Svayambhhu Shiva, in His Linga-form beautiful like molten gold. This linga is facing downwards and is revealed by Knowledge, jnana and Meditation,dhyana. This linga is of the shape and colour of a new-born leaf. His beauty is like that of a full moon, filled with lightning. This form of Shiva, who resides in Kashi, also resides here in Muladhara, like a swirling whirlpool of energy.
Shloka 10 describes the dormant Kundalini Energy, that resides as a snake around this Shiva Linga.

तस्योर्ध्वे बिसतन्तु सोदरलसत् सूक्ष्मा जगन्मोहिनी
ब्रह्मद्वारमुखं मुखेन मधुरं सञ्छादयन्ती स्वयं।
शङ्खावर्त निभा नवीन चपलामाला विलासास्पदा
सुप्तासर्पसमा शिवोपरि लसत् सार्धत्रिवृत्ताकृतिः॥१०॥

Over this Shiva Linga, shines the sleeping Kundalini, fine as the fibre of the lotus-stalk. She attracts the entire world, and covers the brahmadvAram, with her own mouth. Like the spiral of the conch-shell, Her shining snake-like form is coiled three and a half times around Siva, and Her brightness is as that of a strong flash of young lightning.
The next shloka describes the properties of
this Kundalini Energy:
Shloka 11 Says:

कूजन्ती कुलकुण्डली च मधुरं मत्तालिमालास्फुटं
वाचः कोमलकाव्यबन्धरचना भेदातिभेदक्रमैः।
श्वासोच्छ्वासविभञ्जनेन जगतां जीवो यया धार्यते
सा मूलाम्बुज गह्वरे विलसति प्रोद्दामदीप्तावलिः॥११॥

Her sweet voice, or reverberation, is like a far away hum of a swarm of love-mad bees. She is the inspiration that drives a variety of beautiful arts, poetry and literature. It is she who maintains all beings of the
world by creating the duality of inhalation and exhalation, shvAsa and ucchvAsa, and she shines in the cave, of the root Lotus like a series of brilliant lamps.
Finally, the 12th shloka, praises the glory of Shakti, the divine feminine energy, who is the utlimate driving force behind these
It says :

तन्मध्ये परमा कलातिकुशला सूक्ष्मातिसूक्ष्मा परा
नित्यानन्द परंपरातिविगलत् पीयूषधाराधरा
ब्रह्माण्डादि कटाहमेव सकलं यद्भासया भासते
सेयं श्री परमेश्वरी विजयते नित्यप्रभोधोदया॥१२॥

Within this kundalini, reigns the ultimate energy, who is extremely subtle. She is extremely well versed in all creation,
and is eternally blissful. She is the source of a continuous stream of
nectar which flows in the form of Eternal Bliss. The radiance of this goddess, called Sri ParamEshvari, the consort of Shiva, is the source of brightness, in the entire universe. Meditating upon the above mentioned beeja Mantras, the root sounds, and the devi devatas, the associated gods and goddesses, is seen as an effective way of stirring up the dormant kundalini energy at mUlAdhAra chakra.
In summary, we have seen that the mUlAdhAra chakra, which bestows the seeker with the powers of health, knowledge, speech and bliss, has four petals in it. These four petals are activated by the sounds vam, zam, Sham and sam in a clockwise order. The Root Sound, or the Beeja mantra of mUlAdhAra chakra, is lam, which is the same sound as that of the lord of the senses, Indra. The presiding masculine and feminine energies of mUlAdhAra, are the child form of Brahma, and Dakini.
mUlAdhAra chakra is also the abode of a downwards facing shiva linga, on top of which lies the snake like kundalini energy, coiled three and a half times. This kundalini energy, has the reverbaration like that of a distant swarm of bees, and is the energy responsible for all activity
of life on the planet, including inhalation and exhalation.
The main energy that powers up all these happenings, is that of Sri Parameshwari, or the Cosmic Energy, who is seen as the consort of Shiva,
the Emptiness of Space.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article. See you in the next article,


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