manipuraka chakra
manipuraka chakra

In this article we move further up, looking at a detailed description, ways of activation, and the gods and goddesses associated with maNipUraka, or the navel chakra.
maNipUraka chakra is located at the navel. This energy junction is associated with the fire element, and is seen as the center for hunger, nourishment, and ambition.
Shloka 19 of shat chakra nirupanam describes the shape of maNipUraka chakra as follows:

तस्योर्ध्वे नाभिमूले दशदललसिते पूर्णमेघप्रकाशे
नीलाम्भोजप्रकाशैरुपहितजठरे डादिफान्तैः सचन्द्रैः।
ध्यायेत् वैश्वानरस्य अरुण मिहिरसमं मण्डलम् तत् त्रिकोणं
तद्बाह्ये स्वस्तिकाख्यैः त्रिभिरभिलसितं तत्र वह्नेः स्वबीजम्.॥१९॥

manipuraka chakra located
manipuraka chakra located

Above the svAdhiSThAna chakra, at the base of the navel,nAbhimUla lies maNipUraka chakra, shining with the brightness of a heavy rain cloud, pUrNa mEgha.
It has dasha dalas, or 10 petals, which reverberate with the sound starting from Da and ending at pha – DadiphAnta. These are to be uttered along with a chandra bindu, so the corresponding sounds are- Ḍam, Ḍham, Nam, tam, tham, dam, dham, nam, pam and pham.
AGAIN one should be careful not to pronounce it, as fam, it is pham. These sounds are said to be shining with the colour of a blue lotus, nIlAmbhOja.

This shloka says, in order to activate this chakra, one should meditate on the traingular mandala of fire, vaishvAnara, in the middle of this chakra.This triangle shines with the brightness of the rising sun, aruNa mihira. Outside this triangle lies the beeja mantra, or the seed sound, of fire, vanhi. This, is the sound ram.It is surrounded by three svastikAs on three sides.

The next shloka talks about the masculine dieties corresponding to maNipUraka chakra.

ध्यायेन्मेषाधिरूढं नवतपननिभं वेदबाहूज्वलाङ्गं
तत्क्रोडे रुद्रमूर्त्तिर्निवसति सततं शुद्धसिन्दूररागः.
भस्मालिप्ताङ्गभूषाभरणसितवपुर्बद्धरूपी त्रिनेत्रो
लोकानामिष्टदाताभयलसितकरः सृष्टिसंहारकरी||२०||

This shloka says in this chakra lies the god of fire, agni, shining, with four arms, and riding on a mESha or a ram. This chakra is also associated with rudra,
one of the forms of lord shiva. He is described to be covered in ashes, bhasma. He is also described to be adorned with ornaments, bhUShAbharaNa. He has three eyes, trinEtra, and grants one's desires, and removes fear.This is depicted by two of his hands holding varada, and abhaya mudrAs.

He is also described as srshTi samhAra kArI, or the one who causes creation and destruction.

The next shloka talks about the feminine diety
of maNipUraka chakra, called as lAkinI.

अत्रास्ते लाकिनी सा सकलशुभकरी वेदबाहूज्ज्वलाङ्गी
श्यामा पीताम्बराद्यैर्विविधविरचनालङ्कृता मत्तचित्ता.
ध्यात्वैतन्नाभिपद्मं प्रभवति नितरां संहृतौ पालने वा
वाणी तस्याननाब्जे निवसति सततं ज्ञानसंदोहलक्ष्मीः||२१||

In this chakra, lies lAkinI, who is sakala shubha karI, or the one who provies all good things. She too has four arms,and is said to be dark in colour, shyAmA. She is adorned in yellow garments, pItAmbara. She is also said to be in an intoxicated state of mind, matta chittA.

This shloka also says that One who meditates on the maNipUraka chakra, has vANI, the goddess of speech always residing at the tip of his tongue. In summary, we have seen that the maNipUraka chakra, is in dark blue colour, has ten petals with the sounds Ḍam, Ḍham, Nam, tam, tham, dam, dham, nam, pam and pham. The root sound, or beeja mantra, of maNipUraka, is ram, which is the same as that of the God of Fire Agni. Agni, is said to reside in this chakra, with four arms, shining in a golden colour, and riding on a Ram.

The masculine and feminine deities associated with this chakra, are rudra, and lAkinI. Connecting this information with the previous chakras, we saw that mUlAdhAra, is red in colour, svAdhiSThAna is vermillion, and now maNipUraka is cloud blue.

We see that we are slowly moving along the colour spectrum.Also, mUlAdhAra is presided by a child form of brahma, svAdhisthAna by a youthful form of vIshNu, and maNipUraka by the oldest of Gods, rudra. The energies associated with these chakras, keep getting subtler, as we move further up, along sushumnA nAdi.

Now, it's time to chant all the three shlokas associated with the maNipUraka chakra, one after the other. These are intended as a support, for you to learn the words properly, with their meanings at the back of the mind. Chanting these verses regularly, being conscious of their meaning, and meditating on the associated forms, is one of the prescribed ways of activating this chakra.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article.


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