seven chakras

seven chakras
seven chakras in detail

Like the 7 Colours in a spectrum, and the 7 notes of music, human body is composed of 7 energy centres, called seven chakras. In this article, we'll look at the location, significance, and names of these chakras, and of-course their meanings.
7 chakras
7 chakras

If you are new to this jargon, and are still
confused if chakras make sense, please read this article, which explains the logic and reasoning behind the existence of chakras.

  • mUlAdhAra

mUlAdhAra chakra
muladhara chakra

The first chakra to start with is mUlAdhAra. Also called as the root chakra, in English, mulAdhara, is located at the base of the spine. This is the area between the genital organ, and
the anal outlet, also known by the name perineum. The word mUlAdhAra, is a combination of two Sanskrit words, moola meaning source, and AdhAra meaning support. This is seen as the most rigid chakra, and is associated with the earth element. Even physiologically, this is the place where the grossest elements of the body reside. If one's life energies are dominant in mUlAdhara, one is always concerned with survival needs like shelter and security. This energy junction, is also where the dormant kundalini energy resides.

  • svAdhishThAna

svAdhishThAna chakra
svAdhishThAna chakra

The second major chakra is svAdhishThAna. This is called as the sacral chakra, in English, and is located at the top of genital organ. The word svAdhishThAna in sanskrit literally means, well established. This chakra deals with the faculties of pleasure and sexuality, and is represented by the water element, which again correlates with the physiological presence of the exact same element in the human body.

  • maNipUraka

maNipUraka chakra
maNipUraka chakra

The third major chakra is maNipUraka. This is called as the navel chakra, in English, and is located just below the navel. This is also the level at which we were connected to our mothers and received nourishment inside the womb. This chakra deals with the faculties of power, hunger and nourishment. It is represented by the fire element.

  • anAhata

anAhata chakra
anAhata chakra

The fourth major chakra is anAhata. Also known as the heart chakra or the solar plexus, anAhata is located just below where our rib cage meets. anAhata in sanskrit literally means, unstruck
sound. This chakra, deals with kindness, love and compassion. The element here is air.

  • Vishuddhi

Vishuddhi chakra
Vishuddhi chakra

fifth one, is Vishuddhi, which literally means, a purifier, or a filter. This is located at the pit of the throat, and hence is called as the throat chakra in English. Represented by the element akash, vishuddhi deals with speech, and communication.

  • Ajna

Ajna chakra
Ajna chakra

sixth Chakra, called Ajna, literally meaning a command, is at the junction of the eye brows. This is also called as the third eye chakra, and deals with sight, and perception. Once this chakra is fully activated, the third eye, is said to be open. This eye, which is a representation of perception beyond the dualities of existence, will make one dispassionate towards everything in existence. This is represented by shiva burning everything within his sight, if he opens his third eye.

  • sahasrara

sahasrara chakra
sahasrara chakra

Finally, the seventh chakra, at the top of the head, is called sahasrara. sahasrara, means a thousand petalled lotus. This should not be understood literally as one thousand petals, but rather as " thousands of petals", meaning innumerable. Yogis who are in deep states of Samadhi have their energies at this centre. This is a state, where even the sense of self, is absent during meditation.

namaskaram 🚩

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