Yogi Sunira

Many thousand years ago there was a yogi, whose name was Sunira. Hindu believe Sanira was just a next generation after the Sapta Rishi's, he lived and worked in the mountains which are presently in Nepal...

Yogi Sunira took on an impossible project he was an incredible Guru, but he was not happy with himself he wanted to create that kind of a being who is absolutely perfect and always...

synthetic stuff is not of 20th or 21st centuries making way back he wanted to create a synthetic being a perfect being who will become a perfect teacher, who will become the ultimate Redeemer of humanity,

an impossible project. but Yogi Sunira is a man of incredible capabilities so he took on such a project and he started putting together a being of every kind of quality

that you can think of this longing must have come because this is just after Shiva the adiyogi left, Yogi Sunira must been missing him they must have been missing him so badly, that the longing to create a perfect being must have been a natural longing and maybe a natural project to take up he worked through his lifetime to create this and towards the end of his life when this dream of creating a perfect being remained unfulfilled yogi Sunira made a prophecy that long time from now this work that I have started will find fulfillment and reverberate not here but in the green hills of the south...

Isha center's Hill's are green so this dream so many people worked on generation after generation many Yogi's tried to continue to work on the same half-made project of Yogi Sunira...

which in the last century it came to social knowledge because the theosophist worked on it ANNIE BESANT, LEAD BEATER and BLAVATSKY all three of them took this project up they said we are going to make it, there must a vast amount of occult knowledge probably for the first time in the last few hundred years and definitely for the first time not in a traditional way but in a modern way they took up this project and they tried to locate this being this unfinished project they want to take it up and complete it some work was done they had the knowledge but they did not have the capability they acquire much information but they could not acquire the necessary means to do anything like that, twice they made serious effort to declare that they have completed the project the perfect being has come but it did not work

another parallel line:

where another set of Yogi's who are aware of this soon Sunira's glorious but quite impossible project with their wisdom they started working upon a similar force to create a similar possibility but with a completely different understanding of the same... the fusion of that barrel I'm off creating a perfect being but not as a human being is the making of the Dhanalinga ...


that here it's a perfect being it's not in human form because they think many times They have said Dhyanalinga has all the necessary ingredients it has the energy body of a perfect being... in theory we can give him a physical body in theory, it is possible, we can add flesh and blood to him and make him stand up and walk,

but if he does that he will no more be a perfect being because then he'll have to eat then he will have to excrete then he will have to sleep then he will have to wake up and rub his eyes in the morning and people will find fault with him, you said you're perfect but you're eating you said you're perfect you're sitting you said you're perfect you're standing you said you're perfect you're sleeping...

So, it is best he remains that way so whatever Sunira's prophecy has come true but not the way he thought it would...

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