5 Kalaas of living beings

The 5 Kalaas as revealed in the five categories of Jivas or living beings:

  1. Udbhij
  2. Swadej
  3. Andaj
  4. Jaraayuj
  5. Kosh


The  concept of  the five Kalaas  can be understood  in another way in the  context of various forms  that the Atma or pure consciousness  takes in this world. All living beings  are called Jivas. They are of five primary  categories of Jivas. The basic life forms have  one or two Kalaas to start with, and then it progresses  to the level of humans and Gods having five and more Kalaas.  All the Jivas (living beings) in the world have been classified  into five basic categories and their respective Kalaas are as follows:

(i)  Udbhij: these  are those  life forms that  are born from seeds,  such as members of the  plant kingdom. These have  only one Kalaa called Anna Maye  Kalaa. In other words, they depend  on food and become food for others higher  up in the evolutionary ladder.  

(ii)  Swadej: they  are those  which are born  from dampness and  sweat, such as fungi,  algae, bacteria, germs, mosquito,  lice, flies etc. They have two Kalaas,  viz. Anna Maye and Pran Maye. That is,  they are formed from food, they live for food  and they die as food. Besides this, they also exhibit  signs of life, e.g. the mosquito and lice have life like  any other member of the animal kingdom. 

(iii)  Andaj: they  are placed  higher up in  the evolutionary  ladder, and are born  from eggs, whether inside  the mother’s womb or outside.  Such birds as pigeon, sparrow, parrot, peacock  etc. come under this category. They have three  Kalaas which are Anna Maye, Pran Maye and Mano-maye.  The last Kalaa refers to the fact that such creatures  have a mind and heart which enables them to think, albeit  in a primitive level.  

(iv)  Jaraayuj:  these  are the  creatures that  are born as embryo  that develops inside the  mother’s womb. Under this class  come the animals such as horses,  cows, dogs, elephants etc. They have four  Kalaas, such as Anna Maye, Pran Maye, Mano-maye  and Vigyan Maye.  

(v) Anand  Maye Kosh: The  last Kalaa  refers to their  ability to have a  higher level of thinking  ability called intelligence. The  human being comes under this last  category with the added benefit of having  five Kalaas. Besides the four Kalaas mentioned  above in other creatures of this category, the man  has the fifth one and it called the Anand Maye Kosh.  It is only possessed by a man and not by other creatures  in the sense that the man can realise the true meaning of  the terms ‘bliss and happiness that is eternal and substantial’  by the virtue of his attaining higher level of intelligence and his  ability to delve into the secrets of the concept of truth itself and  then realising that kind of happiness and bliss that is not superficial  and which is not limited to enjoyment of the sensual pleasures of the body  and the material comforts of the world, but which has a holistic and all-inclusive  dimension that incorporates the Spirit or the Soul. 

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