why nathuram godse killed mahatma gandhi in hindi

Gandhi- the most influential Indian- had pissed off many with his firearm brand of non-violence not resorting to violence even in toughest of conditions. Godse initially admired Gandhi but later become disillusioned with his ideas.

Direct Action Day, Noakhali genocide had shifted bargaining power to Jinnah from Congress and partition was becoming more inevitable by the day. Committee comprising Mountbatten, Jinnah, Nehru and Gandhi discussed the matter. Later Gandhi left for Bengal for damage control and because he feared Hindus may retort with violence to Muslims.

In his absence, Mountbatten Plan assenting partition was passed. Gandhi had earlier objected to partition saying he wouldn't let it happen even over his dead body. However it was happening and disillusioned Indians blamed him for inaction. Godse claimed Gandhi had helped it rather.
According to the partition plan, India owed final installment of INR 55 crore to Pakistan before Indo-Pak relations on the Kashmir border detiriorated. Nehru & Patel arguing this money would help Pakistan buy weapons froze the transaction pissing off people across the border. In name of humanitarian principles and apparently because he wanted to save Hindus in Pakistan. He also fasted for Muslim killings to stop in Delhi.

Godse- a Brahmin- more than anything else (including himself) valued Hinduism. At that time whatever became public from 2, 3, 4 let Godse conclude Gandhi was siding with Muslims & Pakistan. He reasoned killing Gandhi would help Hindus- the followers currently enchanted wrongly with Gandhi- as they'd take to calls of violence against Muslims more easily.

He subsequently killed Gandhi, and didn't flee because he sought trial as the platform to sensitize Hindu audience emotionally to his sought-after cause.

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